



2024-07-20 06:23:32 来源:网络


2. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.【参考译还有呢?
铃木在决定使用中国产发动机的主要驱动力😊🌛-🎴🪰。迪克Kauling🛷🏉——_🐃,在通用汽车公司的高级工程经理加拿大谁帮助开发了春分🐽☄️|——🌔🦊,说他的研究小组曾在铃木的工程师密切合作🐯_-🐷,通用汽车以及工程师在德国♟😂-🐌🧧,中国和沃伦🦋🎄|-🦒🦉,密歇根州''的铃木人说😩😥--🐀🎟,#39;我们有全球物流🤕——_🍁,可以做到这一点🌥|😫🌛,#39;'' Fedewa先生说🐘🎴-🦅。铃木发动机装入建议在上海集装说完了🐁-——🦂。


2021 10 25??
Deliveries of battery electric vehicles to the world's largest car market stood at 47,200 in the January-September period, up from 15,700 in the same period last year. Christian Dahlheim, head of group sales, said that as planned, Volkswagen significantly accelerated the battery electric vehicl到此结束了?🦫-🦈。
【试题链接】The change met the technical requirements of the new age(n.②) by engaging a large professional element and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders.【译文】这种变革通过聘用后面会介绍✨🌤——🌍。
帮忙翻译一下 摘自<新剑桥商务英语> 初级 教科书??
That’s the main benefit of having done this for so long. I’ve made great business contacts over time. M:How many times do you ship? W: 1 did 12 shipments last year, 18 this year, and I hope to grow to around 25 next year. Thar’s both ways there and back again. Demand for有帮助请点赞🐨🐨_🐸🦟。
Gates III, has been able to influence the industry so effectively that it is difficult for any firm to make a move without considering how Microsoft will react. Both Microsoft and GE have experienced prosperity utilizing this strategy. GE, a 60-billion-dollar company, became America's most 希望你能满意☺️😹|🌷🌵。
Gray和圣诞节的首席执行官说在今后几阿斯公司开始为2009安放他们自己的月中解雇将飙升.此外🦮——|🎭🎳,在年的在有些情形下末端的前面切断雇员消灭重的补贴付款.他说已经有重🐝🕊——|🐔, 已经解雇但是不是没有小森林了直到你主教的职位事件开始清淡起来😡——|😡🤠,我们.像古德曼🐨_——🌑🦉,较低得多的活动和少得多的收入的状况取决于公亩这些公司😤_🦠,是什么🐏✨|——🌹。
达拉斯——上周🥀|🥏🪱,AMR——美国航空公司的母公司🐷🐃-😣,说它将放弃发展部署一种尖端的🦩——-🦣、业界通用的系统🎫☘️|🦟🐲,这种系统也可以用来处理车辆和旅馆的预定😿🦠————🌩。由于被要求关注和合作伙伴(Budget Rent-A-Car, Hilton Hotels Corp. and Marriott Corp)之间的交易🌹😐|🐡,AMR停止这套新的确认系统的开发😣||🐀。暂停这个价值125,000,000🐋-💮🐂、..